Random thoughts

getting started with aura v2

Yesterday aura framework v2 stable released.

Lots of complains about documentation or missing documentation. So this is a quick start. Probably a five minutes walk through. Learn and change to make it better.

Creating your project

Create the project using composer.

composer create-project aura/web-project quick-start
cd quick-start

The minimal framework don't come with any sort of view integrated. Let us use aura/view, the two step templating with the help of foa/html-view-bundle.

composer require "foa/html-view-bundle:~2.0"

We will be keeping all the templates in templates folder where views in templates/views and layout in templates/layouts.

mkdir -p templates/{views,layouts}

Edit config/Common.php and define service for view.

public function define(Container $di)
    $di->set('view', $di->lazyNew('Aura\View\View'));

add a way to set the path to templates. Assuming you have templates folder in the root. There is no finder in aura/view to increase the performance of loading and rendering templates. For a quick hack let us iterate through the directory and set all the views and layouts to its registry.

public function modify(Container $di)
    // more code

public function defineTemplates($di)
    $view = $di->get('view');
    $view_registry = $view->getViewRegistry();
    $view_directory = dirname(__DIR__) . '/templates/views/';
    $iterator = new \DirectoryIterator($view_directory);
    foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) {
        if ($fileinfo->isFile()) {
            $view_registry->set($fileinfo->getBasename('.php'), $fileinfo->getPathname());

    $layout_registry = $view->getLayoutRegistry();
    $layout_directory = dirname(__DIR__) . '/templates/layouts/';
    $iterator = new \DirectoryIterator($layout_directory);
    foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) {
        if ($fileinfo->isFile()) {
            $layout_registry->set($fileinfo->getBasename('.php'), $fileinfo->getPathname());

Edit modifyDispatcher method to

public function modifyWebDispatcher($di)
    $dispatcher = $di->get('aura/web-kernel:dispatcher');

    $view = $di->get('view');
    $response = $di->get('aura/web-kernel:response');
    $request = $di->get('aura/web-kernel:request');
    $dispatcher->setObject('hello', function () use ($view, $response, $request) {
        $name = $request->query->get('name', 'Aura');
        $view->setData(array('name' => $name));

Create your basic template templates/views/hello.php

<?php // templates/views/hello.php ?>
<?php $this->title()->set("Hello from aura"); ?>
<p>Hello <?= $this->name; ?></p>

and a very basic layout

<?php // templates/layouts/default.php ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en-us">
    <?php echo $this->title(); ?>
    <?php echo $this->getContent(); ?>

Let us fire the php server

php -S localhost:8000 web/index.php

and point your browser to http://localhost:8000 .

Probably very simple way how to use aura as a micro framework!.

You can see the example over github.

What is next?

Read Aura Framework v2 : The missing Manual and report/contribute to the book.
