Random thoughts

assets for processwire

Processwire is a content management framework.

I was looking to change the directory structure of the Processwire.

|-- index.php
|-- installer.php
|-- README.md
|-- site
`-- wire

I am not the first person to talk on the subject. There are other threads like Installation paths and moving folders, Common practices

Anyway I thought of trying the same and for serving the js, css, images I wrote my first processwire module Assets

Some of the portions are from Aura.Framework and Aura.View

|-- cli
|-- composer.json
|-- index.php ( which is moved to web folder )
|-- installer.php
|-- README.md
|-- site
|   |-- assets
|   |-- config.php
|   |-- hello.css
|   |-- install
|   |-- modules
|   `-- templates
|-- vendor (3rd party vendors from PHP, Eg: Aura.Includer )
|-- httpdocs ( you can name this folder what ever you like )
|   |-- index.php
|   |-- site ( css, js and images copied from realpath )
|   `-- wire ( css, js and images copied from realpath )
`-- wire
    |-- config.php
    |-- core
    |-- index.config.php
    |-- modules
    |-- README.txt
    `-- templates-admin

You also need to change the $rootPath in index.php accordingly. Hope someone will find it useful. I am releasing it under BSD-2-Clause
